Disc Golfers Need to Do This to Improve

We all want to throw farther in disc golf. And there are a LOT of ways to achieve that elusive extra distance. You could start working out every day to get huge biceps like Ezra Aderhold. Maybe build a time machine to go back in time and tell your younger self to start playing disc golf sooner. Consider limb lengthening surgery? All solid ideas, but it’s safe to assume you are looking for some less extreme options.

There is a method that every disc golfer should employ in order to get better. It’s simple. It’s very easy to do. Yet, it’s a method that is not emphasized enough.

Film Yourself Throwing.

Yes, take that smartphone of yours and put it to good use. Use a tripod (or a steady-handed friend) and capture some video of your disc golf throw. This simple yet powerful practice can uncover insights that might otherwise go unnoticed, leading to tangible improvements in your performance.

Why Filming Your Throw Matters

When you’re in the moment, it’s challenging to pay attention to every detail of your throwing technique. You might feel like you’re executing your throws perfectly, but what you perceive and what’s actually happening can be quite different. By capturing your throws on video, you gain a valuable perspective that allows you to analyze your mechanics more closely.

1. Spotting Areas for Improvement

One of the biggest advantages of video analysis is the ability to pinpoint specific areas where you can improve. After reviewing your footage, you might notice patterns in your throws that need addressing. Are you consistently turning the disc over? Is your form collapsing on the pull through? Identifying these patterns allows you to focus your practice on the aspects that need the most attention.

2. Visual Feedback

Filming your throws provides immediate visual feedback. After you have found areas that you need to work on, it is crucial to have feedback to tell you if you’re truly fixing them. Use a modern smartphone and you can easily capture and watch slow motion video with no problem. You can observe your grip, stance, and follow-through in real time. What you feel is often different than that is really happening — this is why the immediate visual feedback is key. Practice in disc golf is crucial, but perfect practice is how you improve.

3. Track Your Progress

Another compelling reason to film your throws is to track your progress over time. By recording your throws regularly, you can compare your current performance to previous sessions. This not only shows how far you’ve come but also reinforces what you’ve learned along the way. Watching yourself improve can be incredibly motivating and encourages you to stay dedicated to your practice. One of the most fun things to do is look back at old footage and smile at how far you’ve come. It can be easy to get lost in the daily grind and forget to look at the big picture that shows all your improvement.

4. Compare to the Best

We have all watched Isaac Robinson’s buttery smooth backhand and tried to copy it. And who hasn’t attempted the Nate Sexton hop for a forehand throw? All the great throwers we watch on DGN and YouTube have great form that we think we are replicating when we throw. The film doesn’t lie though. Compare footage of your throw with your favorite disc golfer and you can quickly find some techniques to work on. By seeing these issues, you can work on correcting them, leading to better throws on the course.

5. Sharing and Getting Feedback

There is a lot you can learn from watching footage of your throw, but sometimes a second set of eyes can really help expedite things. You can share your videos with friends or online communities which can lead to a wealth of feedback. There are also lots of great disc golf coaches available to help critique your disc golf throw and provide insights on how to improve. Formero’s amazing coaches and tools allow for great feedback to give you a jump start on what you can work on to start throwing better.


If you’re serious about improving your disc golf game, filming your throws and reviewing your form is one of the best strategies you can adopt. By gaining visual feedback and analyzing your technique, you can identify areas for improvement, track your progress, and develop a deeper understanding of your game. So grab your smartphone, head to the course, and start capturing your throws. You’ll be amazed at how this simple practice can transform your disc golf experience! Happy throwing!

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